The machine is designed to cut the stems of cauliflower or broccoli. Thanks to the automatic selection of knives in cooperation with sensors, the device selects the optimal diameter of the knife for cutting florets / stalks.
After the end of the process, the florets can be picked up by an inspection conveyor for the next stage of processing, or by a conveyor for broccoli and cauliflower.
Thanks to the MEGA solution, the process of floretting is precise and less time-consuming than in the case of manual labour. Within a minute, the device can process 45 heads.
The device is intuitive and easy to use, the knives can be easily and quickly replaced by the client.
Florets and waste leave the machine separately.
The mounted touch screen makes it easier to operate the machine.
In the double-rowed model, there is an option to process two types of product at the same time.